PMC-DI (Particle Mass Controller for Dust Investigation)
SPC-DI (Solid Particle Counter for Dust Investigation)
dustIN (Dust Investigator)

The overall system in a compact 19" rack for measuring brake dust emissions consists of the SPC-DI (Solid Particle Counter for Dust Investigation) for determining the particle number concentration (PN) and the PMC-DI (Particle Mass Controller for Dust Investigation) for determining the gravimetric masses PM10 and PM2.5. The measuring technology relies on proven and tested systems from the exhaust gas analysis of vehicles.
The sampling is specially designed and manufactured to the requirements of the customer. Together with our cooperation partner ZF Test System (test benches › Brakes - ZF) and As a turnkey provider, AIP can offer its dustIN (Dust Investigator) brake test rig a test rig for examining brake dust emissions.
- One device for PM10 & PM2.5 with compact dimensions (19" / 6U)
- Optional: bypass path for fast settling times
- Filters that can be changed quickly and easily
- Integration of other filter holders possible
- Up to three filter paths
- Mass flow – regulated up to 50 Nl/min. per path
- A robust device for the increased dirt load when measuring brake dust
- Calibration for particle sizes of SPN23 and SPN10
- Measurement of Total PN and Solid PN
- Meteorologically traceable calibration according to ISO 17025 available in the in-house laboratory
- Measurement of the particle number concentration in accordance with the Particle Measurement Program (PMP)
- To determine the particle number (PN) as well as the particle mass PM10 and PM2.5 of brake dust emissions
- For future certification of brakes according to the measurement program GRPE-81-12 developed in the UNECE IWG PMP